SSL Certificate vs Code Signing Certificate - What's the difference

August 10, 2022

SSL Certificate vs Code Signing Certificate - What's the difference?

When it comes to securing online communication, two types of certificates come to mind: SSL certificate and code signing certificate. Both certificates play a vital role in ensuring online privacy and security, but their purposes are entirely different. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between SSL and code signing certificates.

SSL Certificate

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate that verifies the identity of a website and encrypts the data transmitted between a user's browser and the server. SSL certificates are used to secure online transactions like online shopping, banking, and other sensitive data.

How does SSL Certificate work?

When a user visits a website secured with an SSL certificate, the website's server sends its public key to the user's browser. The browser then uses the public key to encrypt the data sent to the server, making it difficult for hackers to intercept and read the information.

Advantages of SSL Certificate

  • SSL certificates protect sensitive data like credit card numbers, passwords, and personal information from hackers.
  • SSL certificates help build trust with customers and visitors to your website.
  • Better search engine rankings – SSL certificates are considered a ranking factor by Google, and websites with SSL certificates are ranked higher in search engine results.

Cost of SSL Certificate

The cost of SSL certificate varies depending on the certificate type, certificate authority, and duration. The price ranges from $10 to $500 per year, with an average of $50 to $100 per year.

Code Signing Certificate

Code signing certificate is a digital certificate used to sign software and applications. Code signing certificates verify the authenticity and integrity of the source code, ensuring that the code has not been tampered with during the distribution process. Code signing certificates also reassure users that the code was written by a trusted party.

How does Code Signing Certificate work?

A code signing certificate uses the same cryptographic principles as an SSL certificate. When a software or application is signed with a code signing certificate, the code is hashed and encrypted, and the digital signature is attached to it. The digital signature verifies the identity of the signer and ensures that the code has not been tampered with during the distribution process.

Advantages of Code Signing Certificate

  • Code signing certificates help build trust with users and increase software and application credibility.
  • Code signing certificates provide tamper-proof assurance, especially when distributing executable code.
  • Code signing certificates help protect users from malware and hacking attempts.

Cost of Code Signing Certificate

Code signing certificates are more expensive than SSL certificates, with prices ranging from $60 to $600 per year, depending on the certificate authority and duration.


In conclusion, SSL and code signing certificates serve different purposes but are equally important in ensuring online security and privacy. SSL certificates encrypt online communication, protecting sensitive data from hackers, while code signing certificates provide assurance and credibility to users about the authenticity and integrity of software and applications.

Whichever certificate you choose, you need to make sure that it fits your use case and budget. For personal use or small businesses, an SSL certificate might be sufficient, but for a larger corporation or organization, a code signing certificate might be a better investment.


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